The Bird Feeder

Hanging from the tree in my front yard is a bird feeder. Bought in hopes that we could watch and enjoy the birds while they ate. But to our disappointment the birds aren't coming as we had hoped. Every now and then one appears but its so far and few between. We have the choicest seeds, said to attract all kinds of birds, the feeder is nestled into the branches of the great tree, so as to provide protection, yet visible enough so they can find it. So what's the problem? Every thing the need to be sustained and fed is there, just waiting for them. Why don't they come?

This scenario reminds me what God must feel like sometimes with us. He has everything we need for life all set out for us. He offers it freely, He wants us to come, He waits as He keeps offering life sustaining food and refuge. Oh, how it must disappoint Him when we don't come and receive what He offers us.

I know when I see a bird finally find our feeder, my heart jumps for joy...How much more must God rejoice when we finally find our way to Him!
