
Showing posts from 2013

Rainy Day Thinking...


Just a thought...

Birds leave feathers, people leave impressions, by attitude, gestures of kindness(or not so kindness), or by creating. Life is short, God's word says we are like fading flowers and withering grass. What will we leave behind?

One of Those Days

One of those days...   Don't feel like lifting our head Having a hard time getting out of bed Wishing we could hide away from the world Feeling like every nerves come unfurled We all have these days, but we have to remember... That this too shall pass, they won't last forever. ~ Mary


A million thought's "pop" into our minds every day, and depending how we're feeling, some good and some not so good. When we are bombarded, and having trouble separating them out or we get stuck in the negative thought cycle. Here's a little acronym I came up with using a common stop sign. When your thoughts are getting the better of you...STOP...Set thoughts on pause. When we consiously do this, it gives our minds permission to step back for a moment. It gives time for us to look at the facts in a situation and challenge our thoughts with God's truth(what He says in His Word) about our thinking, and gives us a chance to recalculate, changing our thoughts to match God's, and move forward in God's perspective.
I've rediscovered my blogsite(took a while to remember my password because it's been so long!) and am just testing out the posting process since the format has changed...There's so much to learn and so much that changes with technology...Life is an ever learning process...So here goes...clicking publish! :)