Angels Beckon...Go and See

Good Morning Friends! Wishing you joy and peace this Sunday before Christmas! I’ve just been thinking about that first Christmas and how amazing it must have been, how unsure those witnessing the angels and the bright star, must have felt, but that still small voice inside that told them THIS was definitely something worth investigating. ❤️

Angels singing Allelujah!
Christ is born in Bethlehem!
Came to earth to save His people
For Love’s sake, so we might live!
Bringing life, and hope, and glory,
Setting all the captives free.
Expected King come as a baby,
Angels beckon...go and see.
Shepherds in the fields are awe struck
Sheep lift their heads in wonder, too!
Such a jubilant sight that Christmas,
Of Love Himself, born for me and you.
Just as the shepherds kept their watch then,
So must we keep watch today,
Don’t want to fall asleep and miss Him,
Jesus is coming back one day.
Each of us are an inn keeper,
Will you make some room for Him?
The manger of your heart is waiting,
Get ready and invite Him in!
