
When I sit and think of Jesus, and all He has done,
The darkness and death He has saved me from,
My heart can’t help but leap for joy
For the redemption of life that is now my story.
And all the blessings He pours out,
I just can’t help but give a shout
To my Savior, Lord, and Mighty King!
For I see His hand in everything!
Lord let my thoughts, become my thanks
Let them be lovely, pure, and true.
Help joy in You, become my habit,
As I dwell on all you are and do.
I give thanks to You, Lord, because You are good!
Your love endures forever!
You conquered death, in my place You stood,
Making a bridge from earth to heaven.
You saved me,
Life you gave me,
I sing my unending praise
To You!
