
Showing posts from February, 2024


 A picture of perseverance. Spotted this little flower peeking out between some rocks. A warrior who, against all odds, fought and found herself space to bloom amidst the hardened world around her.She is a survivor.❤️💪

Love In Healing

To love in the midst of sorrow  To heal in the midst of pain Is like a seed bursting forth to a flower Like choosing to dance in the rain God rescues those crushed in spirit He holds together those torn apart Love born of pain and suffering  Has roots anchored deep in the heart.❤️

Worry Worm

 My new little project. It’s a worry worm. It comes with a little poem, letting people know they aren't alone. But as I was learning to make these little guys i decided it could also be called a wonder worm. Wonder could be considered an antidote for worry. For God created this big beautiful world for us to explore and enjoy. As i dwell on the wonder side of all He’s created,  it quells the worry within me, at least for a time. Either way, worry is normal, you’re not in it. Thankful for small victories.

Courage Keeps Going

 Courage thought for today: “See, the Lord your God has given you the land. Go up and take possession of it as the Lord, the God of your ancestors, told you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.” ~ Deuteronomy 1:21 Courage keeps moves us forward because we know that Jesus has already won the battle over sin and death, and we’ve been given the keys, and been invited into the Kingdom of Heaven. (Our land,in the here and now and for all eternity,  along with God, to possess.) when we take our eyes off of the work Jesus has already accomplished for us, we can forget the power He has granted us, and miss out on the work He has for us in the Kingdom. We may shrink back seeing all the Giants that still live in our midst. But the courage inside us, stirs the power within us, and encourages us to keep going.


 Everyday I try to look for something beautiful. It’s a practice that helps me thru the harder times of life and I find it encouraging to my heart.  Anyway, this is a Praying Mantis nest. It is filled with hundreds of eggs, that in Spring, will emerge as tiny Praying Mantis’s. It may not look beautiful on the outside, but what is happening inside is a beautiful miracle of life giving transformation. This reminds me that God is the God of transformation. He wants the very best for His chikdren. No one who comes to Him, ever leaves the same. ❤️

Don’t Quit

 This “Don’t Quit”poem comes up in my Facebook memories each year. Always a timely reminder for me. It inspired my own version. Whoever reads it, know your precious and you are not alone. ❤️🙏💪 Trauma has a way of sticking around,  I refuse to let it take me down.  So I’m standing firm,  I hope you will too.   We’re stronger together.  That’s the truth.  Please don’t quit I won’t either Let’s cling to God Our hope, our anchor He will never let us drown He’s got us held safe and sound  He’s brought me thru many a storm His promises hold,  He’s true to His word When life get hard  Latch on tight Trust God He’s with us in the fight In Him is the victory  Don’t let go and you will see The storm will pass The sun will shine And we,dear friends, will be alright Don’t quit


 Snapped a picture of this cloud that looked to me like a wing. I’ve been working on a new song and one of the verses refers to wings: So run, take off, soar high above those waves  God gives you the courage  it’s God who makes you brave His breath beneath your wings Enables you to fly Don’t look down or around Look up into Gods eyes.  Wings and Flying remind me of freedom and the only true freedom is the freedom given by and found in God thru Jesus.  No matter where life takes you, no one can take that away.  Freedom is not a gift to keep to ourselves, it was meant to be used and shared firstly to love God, secondly to love others.  Thank You God for this precious gift of freedom and the visual gift of this wing. ”but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.“ -Isaiah‬ ‭40‬:‭31‬ ‭NIV‬‬

Seek Beauty

Today begins a brand new month… Intentional seeking of beauty Amidst the dark, the hard, the broken Preserves my heart  Lifts my spirit Refreshes my soul It evokes praise To God, my Father, Who reigns  Sovereign over all ❤️🙏 Happy February!

Following Jesus

He(Jesus)said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.”~ Mark 16:15 As a follower of Jesus these words are my call,  Not just an invitation, but a charge, to go shine His light to all... To follow is an action I must take everyday.  Get up and use the gifts and talents  He’s placed inside of me. There’s never a better time to act, than this moment right now. To learn those things that Jesus loves and reflect them to this world.  Jesus is the example by which I try to live my life.  The path He leads me on is narrow but He always leads with light.  As long as I keep step with Him, my feet are stayed and sure. There’s nothing that I need to fear because He has me held secure.  Jesus is my compass, I am his hands and feet,  Lord, take me to those places, that You see the deepest need Help me be an instrument that bears Your love and peace. Amen