Holiday Thoughts...

Holidays can be wonderful, but can also be so hard. I’m so thankful for these bracelets, each one holds special meaning, and  I put them on every day, as a reminder of Gods love over me. It’s good to have something to see, to remember He is there, and good, and watching over me. I pray in all the hustle and bustle of this coming season, to be sensitive to those I meet along the way. For they too, may be struggling, and need kindnesses and love, a little note of encouragement, a smile or a hug, an unexpected gift, a random act, in hopes to maybe give their day a lift. It also helps the grieving heart to give these gifts away. Kindness is a healing balm for the giver and receiver and should be practiced with intention every day. I pray for all those struggling, whose hearts feel sad and torn, that you feel Gods comforting presence and know you’re not alone. 💞
