My Morning Pondering…

 My morning ponderings from my tangled mind...

An acronym for JOY I really like is: 

Jesus Over You.

I sat for a very long time trying to untangle this ball of string. 

I kept running into knots and kinks and it became extremely frustrating. 

I had to set the mess aside and think on this awhile. 

Sitting next to me was a stone I had painted, 

So I set it on the pile. 

Then a picture flashed across my mind... 

This is a perfect metaphor for life.

Life is messy. 

God knew it. 

He sent His Son, as Savior, to undo it. 

Undo the mess, 

Undo the knots, 

Undo the kinks, 

Clean the spots, 

Assure us that He’s in control, 

He will unravel us,

Then make us whole. 

And thru it all 

Despite the mess,  

JOY covers us in each trial and test. 

It is by this JOY that we persevere

When tangles make life so unclear

And we can’t understand 

And it doesn’t appear

That we’ve made any progress at all.

But perhaps...

It’s not about us!

It never was,

It’s about God

His relationship with us, His beloved

He has the vision

He knows the plan

It’s for us to trust Him

To take His Hand

As in the Garden of Eden

Where the mess began

When we trust ourselves

We sabotage His plan

But thankfully,

He doesn’t leave us stranded

In Him we are covered, carried, redeemed

And He will do the untangling

As we surrender to Him. 

Jesus makes our mess into a nest when we ask Him to come in. ❤️
