The Flower

 Wrote this with great  gratitude in my heart for all the strong beautiful flowers in my garden of life, who have sown love, care, time, and wisdom into my journey over the years. You are deeply valued and loved by God, our Creator, and by me. Thank you for being part of my garden. ❤️

The Flower

She is here.


An unfurling flower.

Quietly growing.


She is a survivor.

Through captivity

Dirt and dark

She pushes onward,


Towards the light.

A worthy, formidable

Opponent in the fight

For life.

She is courageous,

Staring fear in the face.

Then moving forward anyway,

Into the ever changing unknown

Come what may.

She stays.


She is a warrior.



Her mind trained and ready

For battle,

Doesn’t matter how long.

A visionary,

By understanding

Each breath

Is a gift,

Bringing with it hope


Of what is yet to be.

She is confident

The outcome will be beautiful,

As she has heard stories of

Other seeds gone before her

On this journey 

To free.

Free and unencumbered to be

The uniquely beautiful flower

God has created her to be.

This could be the end 

but there is one more piece…

As she stands victorious

Shining bright 

for all the world to see

She takes time,

bending low,

Looking for new seedlings to grow,

Making sure there’s room for them,

Giving them a hand,

Cheering them on their journey,

Til they too can stand 

Free In victory 

Shining bright with lifted head

Also for the world to see. 

She knows

There is strength in numbers.

In community.

And she is humbled

By the help she herself received,

Now honored to be of assistance

To the newly emerging seeds. 

She may struggle still

In times of uncertainty 

But she now knows-

She’s not alone.

A strong beautiful garden surrounds her

Providing a safe place to grow

Protecting her

Til the day God calls her home. 

