Take up Your Cross

What does it mean to take up the cross of Christ? This is how I see it. First picture the cross in your mind. Ok... do you see it? The verticle line of the cross represents our relationship with God, the horizontal line represents our relationship with others. The point where the cross intersects is the place of decision, wether we will take the cross and follow after Christ or go our own way. It is the point where our will meets Gods will, and there we have to choose. When we choose to conform to Gods will is when we actually pick up our cross and follow Him. This is not a once and done thing, this takes place daily, we are always being met with tough descisions that require this letting go of our own will or agandas and it can sometimes be very painful.

Thank You Jesus for showing us the way to be able to bear our cross and that You took the brunt of sins pain for us so that we would be able to come to the Father by following You. Help us to remeber exactly what You did for us on that cross so that we may willingly take up our own. I ask this in Your name Jesus...Amen
