Treading vs. Trust
Where does my confidence come from? A question I've been confronted with time and time again. Life situations keep pointing me to it. I am a Christian and I know that my strength, who I am, is supposed to be rooted in Christ. But is it really? If I am honest with myself, the answer is...I want it to be, I want to believe beyond any shadow of a doubt, that I am strong and secure in Him, a jewel in His crown, the apple of His eye. But in my humanness, there is always that seed of doubt, that gnawing feeling that I don't measure up, I'm a miserable failure over my life.... and actually without Jesus that is true. I am a terrible captain over my own ship. This is something I constantly struggle with. How do I let go of my expectations? How do I rest totally in the arms of the One who created me? The One who is in control? How do I reach that level of trust and contentment?
I am on a mission, seeking after God's peace. This is what I want. I want to live out of this picture of who I want to be in Christ. I am tired of treading water in a stormy sea, tired of striving to control every situation, tired of the anxiety that fills my days when things inevitably go wrong. Treading water makes me very tired to the point that it's all my mind focuses on. I think God calls me to faith in these times. He says He will never leave me or forsake me, He says He will lift me up as on eagles wings and care for my every need. He will give me rest when I'm weary and shelter from life's storms, He only asks me to believe. He says that's the most important work I will ever do. He says its hard, but He also says He will provide all I need to do it. Lets compare the work of believing to treading water. Believing takes faith. Treading water takes energy. Believing yields trust. Treading water brings exhaustion. Believing builds strength. Treading breaks you down. Believing brings hope. Treading confines me to one place. There is no question in my mind that both treading water and believing take a lot of work, I think the question then becomes...where do I want to put my efforts? God has invited me to this wonderful place of peace and contentment. Something that can only be found in Him. I can't see it. But I know when I have it. Nothing can compare to it. The very best part is that I am offered this peace now, Jesus gave His life so that I could have it. God wants me to attain it, and I want to partake in it. I'm tired from treading. I am going to stop now and just work at believing that my God is more than able to handle my life. After all...He has it all planned out, even before I ever arrived here on this earth. My work now is going to focus on believing, trusting and obeying my God. Putting Him first and loving and thanking Him for this opportunity to see that He is sovereign over all creation. I'll let you know how it turns out...Hope you'll join me.
Just a thought...if we all stop treading water together and allow God's peace to enter into our lives...just think how calm the waters around us would be...Do you get it?
Just a thought...if we all stop treading water together and allow God's peace to enter into our lives...just think how calm the waters around us would be...Do you get it?
" If you do this, you will experience God's peace, which is far more wonderful than the human mind can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus." Philippians 4:7 (NLT)
"You will keep in perfect peace all who trust in You, whose thoughts are fixed on You! Isaiah 26:3 (NLT)