The Fruit Of The Spirit

Found this beautiful heart shaped strawberry the other day, and God brought to mind the Fruit of the Spirit. May we grow and bear this kind of fruit in our heart, because what is in our heart, is what comes out, and there is no law or quarrel against these things.

Holy Spirit, come and dwell,
Inside my heart,
Cause LOVE  to swell.
Fill with JOY,
To overflow,
So all the world,
Your PEACE, they know.
Toward all I meet,
Responding in KINDNESS, to their needs.
Let GENTLENESS be evident,
In every interaction spent,
GOODNESS comes by living out,
These attributes of God Himself.
May FAITHFULNESS grow strong and deep
To reflect Gods faithfulness to me.
And Lord, please teach me SELF-CONTROL,
As I run the race to my heavenly goal.
