
This morning Lord,
I’ll linger, just a little longer...
I’ll marvel at the miracle of life
The ever unfolding mystery
The hope in You, the eyes can’t see
And yet, it’s here, surrounding me.
It’s in the very air I breathe
In the blooming flowers and budding trees
In the eyes of every precious child
In folks sharing care, and being kind
In the sacrifice of Jesus Christ
In the humble prayers I speak.
You have set hope in my heart
It gets watered by Your Word
And as it grows,
Rooted deep in You,
It can’t help but emerge.
Hope reaches for the light
It spreads to all who see
Hope’s happiest when shared
With all humanity.
Thank you Lord,
My hope’s in You,
An anchor for my soul
It’s the fuel that keeps my fire burning
And keeps my heart yearning
For more of You.
