Our Heart, God's Home

This week my house was thrown into turmoil. It is in complete and utter chaos. Everywhere I look there is a mess to be gone through and cleaned up. It's to the point where I just look around and feel so overtaken at the magnitude of it all. It seems too overwhelming to conquer, so I just push it off. The only problem with this is that the mess isn't going anywhere, it's actually growing bigger and bigger.

I think that's what happens with our heart sometimes too. The trials of life make these impressions in our hearts, and if we're not careful and diligent in cleaning them up(taking them to God with bucket and scrub brush in hand) then they accumulate and grow to seemingly unmanageable proportions.

Today I was reading my Bible and came across this passage in the book of Haggai, chapters 1&2. The word of the Lord came to the prophet Haggai concerning the condition of Gods house. God asked why the people of Israel were neglecting the disrepair of His house. He chastised them for concerning themselves and being content with only with the building up of their own homes. He pointed out their contentment in striving for more was only adding to there mess and they were finding themselves living in total chaos, running in circles and never finding peace, always searching after what would make them happy but never able to grasp it. All the while Gods house is being neglected.

God's word for them was simple, you are putting your priorities in the wrong places. God says He is first priority and when they start putting their efforts on Him then the state of their own houses will fall into place. God ends His message with this" be strong all you people of the land, and work; for I am with you. This is what I promised you, My Spirit is among you, do not fear.

God's message in His word is very clear, but we tend to get so caught up in our own messes that we miss it. God wants first place in our lives. He wants our full trust and obedience. He will never force it, as He is a gentleman. But He says over and over in His word that when we choose to prioritize Him, then we will have help, peace, hope, grace, provision, protection, and life abundant, and eternal.

I thought about that in regards to my heart. Has my heart become like my house? In total chaos? Am I looking for refreshment and restoration in temporary fixes or by ignoring the issues altogether and letting them build up? Sometimes God has a way of shaking things up for us and pointing us to the things that really matter. HIM!

When we realize that our hearts are God's home, and He wants His home to shine with His glory for all to see, it puts a different perspective on how we go about caring for it.

Lord, thank You for wanting to come and dwell in our heart, Help us to keep up with our messes, so they don't pile up and threaten to overwhelm us. Thank you for Your patience, provision and promise to always be there to help clean up. May we bring great blessing to You as we put You first. Amen
