The Heart of Christ

Being in the Easter season, this is one of the most amazing hearts I’ve ever found.
It’s a small piece of bark flaking off of a giant tree,
Illuminated by the sun,
Placed perfectly in eye shot for me to see.
Oh, how this reminds me that Jesus is the light of the world
That upon a tree
He died for me.
He took my sin,
My shame to death,
He rose again so that I can come,
To the throne of grace,
Freely given by God the Father,
A gift and invitation to an abundant life lived fully for Him.
Lord, Your sacrifice was so great
It came at such an excruciatingly huge cost.
Please let me always remember your work on that cross,
Living grateful that you have set me free,
With a heart alive for you,
Placed where you want me to be.
Just as you placed this heart,
Perfectly positioned,
In this tree.❤️
