God, Our GPS

Proverbs 3:5,6- Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. Acknowledge Him in all your ways and He will make your paths straight.

This is my life verse. It is the verse I try to model my life after. In every facet of our lives we need to put our trust in God. It's easy when everything is going smoothly. But let some bumps in the road come up and many times we get so beside ourselves that we end up crashing. God has promised to take care of things for us when we put our trust in Him, He will make our paths straight, he will lift us up, keep us on the straight and narrow road. Nowhere in His word does it say that when we trust Him that the circumstances in our lives will be perfect, but when we trust God, it's like having our own personal GPS system embedded within our hearts. He takes us by the hand and gives us that AAA protection promise to pull us through, guide us around and carry us over those bumps in the road. We never have to leave the path at all. Just as with your car on a long road trip, when it's in decent shape you trust it will get you to where you are going. If some unexpected problem arises, you know your covered by AAA, it gives you a certain confidence that everything will be OK. If your not sure where your going your GPS system is another assurance that you will get there if you trust and follow it's direction. If we can place our trust in these things to come through, how much more can we trust God, the Almighty, All Knowing One, to see us through our road trip of life.

I know its hard to put complete trust in even God sometimes. Especially when you world is crashing down all around you. But take heart. Think back to other times your life seemed in turmoil. What happened? Did you make it through? Of course you did or you wouldn't be sitting here reading this right now!

We may have to go through some pain,
But God will keep us sane.

We may be bombarded with insults
But God's will control the results

We may screw up and lose it all
But God's there to catch our fall.

We may feel weary and troubled
But we then find God's grace has been doubled

We may really want to give up
But in those moments he fills our cup.

It seems no matter our circumstance
Trusting God brings a second chance.

He'll guide us along the straight path
shielding us from Satan's wrath.

Acknowledging God in all we do
Helps us hold on to what is true.

Thank You God, for the security we find in You!
