Divine Connection

My Prayer life has gone through many changes over the years. From bargaining with God, to requesting, to sharing, to listening. Now God has become my constant companion. Our conversations are just that. I talk with Him all day long. I enjoy sitting quietly in His presence. I love seeing just how He is going to work things out in my life and the lives of others I am praying for. I've learned through my prayer life, to be patience in the waiting, as God sometimes chooses to not to answer things immediately, but I know with out a doubt He always answers. I also don't always like His answers...but this has made my trust that He has our best interests at heart grow. Like when I prayed for God to keep my son from drugs. He didn't answer right away. My son continued on that dark path, landed in jail several times, I thought God wasn't hearing me. but a few years later God met my son in his dark place and at that point my son was ready to be led out. God answered that prayer of mine. More so than I could have ever imagined. Today my son is a hard working young man, giving back to his community, by sharing his story and helping other young men navigating through the world of addiction and recovery. I marvel at Gods goodness and timing. He knows each of us better than we ever could. He knows and He sees. I choose to place my trust in Him! I hope you will too!

Divine Connection

My heart is ever grateful
To the Lord, for answered prayer
When I send up my requests to Him
I know He's always there.

He listens with His faithful ears
To every word I say
He does His best to grant for me
The things I ask and pray.

Sometimes He doesn't answer
In the way I think He should
But through the years I've learned to trust Him
Because He looks out for my good.

When I sit and listen
In the silence of the night
I sometimes hear Him whisper
"Child, it will be alright."

There's nothing I can't tell Him
For He already knows
But every time I open up
The bond between us grows.

I'm glad for this connection
Between my God and me
For never will I be alone
Because I know the God who sees.
