Hide And Seek

I'm drawing a blank today. I can't think of anything to write. Some days the words flow from my mind to my fingertips like butter on a steaming hot piece of corn on the cob; and other days they seem to hide in the recesses of my mind, reminding me of a game of hide and seek. I know they are there but I have to search and search until I find them.

Ah Ha! I think I've hit on something! Isn't this sometimes how it is with our relationship with God? There are times when we can talk easily with Him; pouring out our hopes and dreams, our joys and sorrows, our praise and adoration, and can share, listen and receive quite easily. Then comes the flip side. We're stuck, the words don't flow. We withdraw, hide, and avoid by filling our time with activity. I find that in those stuck times is when there's something wrong. I've missed the mark, I've sinned, and I'm filled with so much shame and guilt that they literally wrap themselves around my relationship with God, like a securely wrapped package ready to mail but was lost and never made it to the post office. Left to my own devices, I would stay lost and hidden. I am thankful though, that we have a God that knows us. He values us and like a pirate on a treasure hunt, will stop at nothing till He finds us. He unwraps the paper that is keeping us bound and tosses it away. He leads us out of our hiding place, inviting us to sit with Him once again.

We may feel stuck and lost, blocked and utterly hopeless; but just as God seeks to find us to release us from our shame and guilt, we search our minds for our hidden words until we find them, never giving up. Our words and writing express who we are and we are valuable treasures to our God, who wants us to express our thoughts through them.

Lord, I thank you for the privilege of relationship with you. That You will never allow me to go missing. That when I'm stuck You seek me till I'm found, and that You value and treasure me. Thank you for the gift of being able to express myself through words and for planting ideas in my mind to write about. May my words glorify You always. I love You Lord! Amen
