Clean Sink

I cleaned my sink today! Have you ever heard of The Fly Lady? She suggests we always make sure our kitchen sinks are clean. Then every thing else will fall into place as you clean around that central point, but the key is always start with a clean sink.

I got to thinking about this. I thought about the sink being like our hearts. If the kitchen sink is full of gunk and food particles,dishes and all brown and yucky, then it affects the way the whole Kitchen looks, It is the heart of the kitchen. The only way to get it to sparkle again is to take out all the bad stuff and then scrub!

If our hearts get caked with dirt and grime nothing else in our lives will look good either! We need to take our hearts to the master cleaner every day and ask Him to clean it up. As we get clean, our burdens seem less, the world around us is brighter and we are then able to reflect the light and love of Christ as we should.

Does Your sink need a cleaning?
