Deception Prevention

So many things try to pull us away
From believing what's right and true.
Deception abounds from the evil one
Half truths set our minds askew.

We have to be sure, we know God's word
So we're able to discern,
The subtle lies and urgings
The enemy will have us learn.

Satan does what he can to deceive us,
Of this we can be sure.
He'll make bad sound good, and good sound bad.
He tries to dig into our core.

His goal is to tear us away from God,
In such a way that we're unaware.
It is so important we guard our hearts,
Lest we get tangled in his snare.

God tells us how to do this
Through the instruction of His word.
Its so important that we know it,
To put in practice what we've heard.

In Paul's letter to the Colossians
He gives us some advice.
Do not handle, taste or touch
The things Satan uses as his vice.

It's best not even dabble
In those things that lead astray.
Before we know it, we're sucked in
And carried right away.

The way to stand in victory
Is to stay connected to the Head.
Taking hold the power
Given to us, through Christ instead.

So let us be encouraged,
We've been blessed with all we need.
Stay rooted in the Word of God,
And we surely will succeed.

-Mary Dreisbach

Colossians 2:21- Do not Handle! Do not Taste! Do not Touch!
